Some of the things on the list are silly little things, and not deal breakers. Many obviously just popped into my mind based on the circumstances of the time I wrote them. Some of them though are big things, and definitely deal breakers. These things fall in no particular order of importance. They just appear as they came to me. Of course I don't expect any man to meet all of them, but I'll have to be sure to stick with the non-negotiables. I've settled enough in my past, so I'm guessing it's good to have a list.
So let it be written, so let it manifest . . .
- make me smile and laugh
- dance with me (in private is fine -- nice & slow)
- give massages without complaint
- he will have friends, and will be happy to cross friendships between us (my ex didn't really know how to have friends)
- MUST love to visit New Orleans (it's my hometown, and if you can't enjoy the music, atmosphere, fun, people, and even the filth of it, that's a problem)
- MUST love my boys
- listen to me
- genuinely care about me
- emotionally support me
- enjoy my company
- TALK with me/discussions
- be strong minded, but not at the expense of others
- like to read
- love all kinds of music
- enjoy both going out, and staying in with me
- respect me
- respect some "alone time"
- do chores around the house without saying he's "helping" me --- that implies that it's all my job, and he's just helping out
- enjoy yard work enough to get it done, or hire someone to do it
- love to travel!
- be willing to tolerate my mini-history lessons
- hold my hand
- put his arm around me
- affectionately acknowledge me in public (just subtly)
- enjoy drinking, not to an extreme, just enjoy a beer or a glass of wine, or several
- be a little spontaneous
- enjoy my Irish music
- be willing to let me shop (which I don't do much of anyway) for things that "speak to me"--- especially jewelry, art, music, and books --- things you can never have too much of
- Not be grossed out by my naked body! Love it anyway.
- be a patient traveler
- have the same or similar political perspective
- enjoy high school football games of my students
- enjoy football, but not be stupid about it
- be able to fix things around the house, or at least have the sense to know when to call someone to do it
- know when to just hold me and let me cry, and support me
- be patient
- enjoy life, and have a positive attitude
- be down to earth and somewhat practical
- have common sense
- not be absent physically or emotionally
- be a man of faith
- love making love with me
Pretty good start, huh? Lol. Well, it may be a lot to ask for, but why not ask?
my list for a wife was similar, but MUCH shorter. it has become shorter still. the key things, i found, are laugh, faith, core values, some music compatibility, affection (physical and mental), and respect. having the same approach to money is also key. that and both need to realize that spouse does not equal servant. other than that, a respect for being different also seems to help. being emotionally engaged is also very important. for me, being married means that i spend less time being angry/frustrated with the world at large. if i were, it would take emotional energy that belongs to her. these are what works in our house. i'm far from perfect. so is she. we both realize that. means we don't stress the small stuff. jmo.